Originally posted by Will:
But it is the [b]official web site for KaZaA Lite and it has so much adverts coming out of it, esp. pop-ups... I'm curious. It seems heavily advertized funded. Would we see massive advertisements and perhaps even popups (if you did NOT have a PopUp Stopper) after downloading the latest version of the KaZaA PROGRAM onto your computer?[/B]


What is the advertisement problem with the non-lite version of KaZaA, and might those problems eventually be sent to the Lite version, as well???

Again, I apologize if these are naive questions.[/B]

KaZaA is a p2p program that does have alot of advertisements in the program itself. KaZaALite is a hacked version of KaZaA where the program has been modified to remove the ad stuff, except for the first welcome screen that asks for donations. The unmodified version has ads running all the time in the application, poping up in your face and using your bandwidth.

If KaZaALite starts working like the KaZaA version I will uninstall it and start looking for something else. You have to remember that this is unaccetable by some of the people that create music. Your getting Music for free. I contend that the Music that your getting is not the same quality and there for is a kind of demo of the Music. I listen to it and if I like it I will go out and buy the CD. Most of the Music is in 128 bit/sec mp3's with CD audio quality being 320 bit/sec quality. KaZaA has generated many sales, like the Blue Man group audio DVDA that I recently ordered.

I hope that answers your questions.
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