
I'm a newcomer to the 950 relative to many of you guys. And a complete newcomer to home theater as opposed to audio.

One of the features that appealed to me about the 950 was its (apparent) bass management.

But according to my ears, the bass management is not what it appears. (The manual, by the way, is pathetic - a definite but not unexpected consequence of going with a cheaper supplier relying on off-shore [i.e. Pac Rim] manufacturing).

I've looked over the various threads and combined with my ears, do I understand the following correctly:

Despite the apparent great flexibility of the system, in fact the only choices are to either send all sub-80Hz frequencies to a subwoofer, OR to suffer double bass if one disables the overall bass management and attempts to micro-manage the crossovers.

To wit, I would like in a perfect world to send sub-60 from my mains to the sub and sub-80 or even sub-100 from my center. Can I in fact do this?