I'm afraid that I have to agree with Will. That speaker setup may be fine, but is certainly not in the same class as the Anthem. I believe that a different speaker setup would likely have revealed more significant differences between the Anthem and the 950.

By all accounts, both the 950 and the Anthem are very nice sounding units (hiss notwithstanding). With that in mind, it will take higher and higher quality speakers to reveal more differences.

If you're going to stick with the Anthem, I would highly suggest a speaker upgrade to take full advantage of it. If you stick with the 950, I'd still go for an all-around upgrade. Similarly-voiced speakers all-around are critical to a realistic soundfield.

Don't discount the difference a set of speakers will make. Also, speakers tend to be the _best_ long-term investment in an audio system. A $3000 component could be outdated and outperformed by a $300 component in just a few short years. An expensive speaker system can continue to hold its own for many, many years.