In later production runs of the 950, it is quite possible that the 950 will get overall improvements and these improvements will also be in the clones made concurrently with the 950. I guess we'll have to wait and see and compare the clones to newer 950's, when the clones come out. If they share the same production facility, perhaps they're identical on the inside.

The different 950's I've cycled through my home system (one 950 delivered in May, one in June and one in September) have all sounded subtly different. I imagine that 950's made three months from today might also sound different from my September model.

And there are differences between recent 950's, perhaps due to production anomolies. Soundhound's and my 950, were both delivered recently, and you know what, they measure quite different S/N ratios.

Yes, I know that Atlantic Tech says they hand select premium parts for their premium priced clones. But it remains to be seen if premium hand selected so-and-so's and higher grade such-and-such's and increased tolerance blah-blah-blahs in the clones represents a real difference or is, in the end, pure marketing spin, with no actual difference. If it walks like the same duck and talks like the same duck, and has no more features whatsoever than the duck then, it could be the same duck inside.