Thanks, you guys...
The question was asked back in, I think April or May, but it went unanswered.
That's what a search on the subject revealed.
I was aware that the Avia tones are different. In fact, that's what clued me in that the 950 was defaulting to it's own tones. I tried to calibrate to 85db with Avia and kept cranking and cranking the trim levels...
"Hmmmm", I said...and then I noticed that I was trying to make 75 85. Duhhhhh...
I figured I could always resort to using the trim controls, but I knew it would mean constantly re-calibrating.
I also have the Sound and Vision disc in addition to Avia. I find it simpler to use, as it's not quite so involved. I don't yet have 6(or 7).1, so I haven't had to calibrate rear speakers.
I am not convinced that this is an impossible task. I will continue the hunt and would appreciate anyone who finds the answer first to let me know.