Sorry guys..something got messed up with my post...
Originally posted by Jmac:
Belive me Rotel 1066 sales the last two weeks have skyrocketed. In fact, today I'm driving 180 miles to Dallas to try and find a 1066 and if sucessful will cancel my 950 reservation.

I realize that I'm probibaaly doiing the BB equivalant of wanding into the middle of Omah Beach with a huge bullseye on my chest and waving a flag that says " FRAG ME" during the middle of D-Day, but I'm rather surprised at the general tone of some people. It's like the money is demanding that you spend it. I realize that you've been waiting for a while. But I thought that home theater/audio people spent time, made decisions, and then chose the right gear for them. Granted, there are some bugs to work out, but I find the 950 to be what I'm looking for. I realize that I may have to wait half a year for it to show up, but heck, it's what I want. I'm willing to wait because I know that the 950 is what I want, and will (hopefully) be the last piece of gear that I'll buy for quite some time (OK, I know I'll be replacing my tv with a projector...and there is that issue of the two rear speakers for the 7.1 setup however I digress). What I"m saying is I understand the frustration, but I get te impression thatr spending the cash for the sake of spending the cash is more important than getting what you want.

Now I"m going to hide in a fox hole.


[This message has been edited by fmcorps (edited June 23, 2002).]

[This message has been edited by fmcorps (edited June 23, 2002).]