
brianca writes
the outlaws called RAF (a HTF admin) and explained it to him so he could post it on the boards.
if they don't have the time to post something here about the lack of shipping, why do they have time to call individuals directly to give them the info?

If the Outlaws officially post a date to get the heat off them, but it never happens, people will say later the Outlaws misrepresented the truth. But when an HTF administrator posts for the Outlaws, the Outlaws never said it officially. It's second hand.

If you disagree about Outlaw stuff with one of the HTF administrators who happens to be a big Outlaw fan, you must mind your p's and q's, more than you have to if you disagree with John Q. Public on HTF about Outlaw stuff.

Anybody want to guess how many HTF administrators own Outlaw products? It's a high number I bet.

[This message has been edited by Will (edited July 11, 2002).]