Whoops, accidentally posted this to the review thread.. Anyway...

It's hard to believe. After 6 months of battling it out on the online forums with both the "bashers" and the "cheerleaders", feeling my blood pressure rise while watching movie after movie in their lame pro-logic glory - I filled out a form yesterday, and the 950 was waiting for me at my office this morning. Just like that?
I feel cheated because there wasn't any kind of Halo around the box, voices from the sky as I opened it, or anything even vaguely similar to the opening scene of "The 5th Element" happening.

Just another black audio box to add to the collection? We'll see.

The (not so) funny thing is, for the first time in the 10 years I've owned them, my main speakers are in the shop waiting for parts (I can't wait to find out what two new B&W 804 Matrix tweeters will cost). DOH!

But no obstacle is too great with a new 950 in the rack. My surrounds will become my surrogate mains as I rip through my CD collection tonight.

You were expecting a review? After the long 950 saga, I felt just the existential experience of actually receiving it justified its own review. More to follow after I get my mains back.