I believe the thinking on the numbers is that your place in line is equal to the user ID number that Outlaw emailed to you, minus 1000. The information we don't have is how many people in front of you dropped off the list, meaning you'll get your unit sooner. It should be a good 'worst case' number though.

Of course, if we're only on #17, there's a long way to go. Still no charge on my credit card, and I'm in the low 100's.

We don't even know if Outlaw has more than 100 units stateside at the moment. There could be a long delay between the first 100 and next 100 shipped. Some were theorizing they had 200 units stateside.

I sincerely wish Outlaw would just let people know roughly when those of us very early on the list (say, the first hour) should expect their units. This probably represents a few hundred units at most. Knowing if we can expect them this week, next week, next month would be plenty.

Given their latest newsletter, it could take up to _three weeks_ from when they first said it would take _two weeks_ to let people know when to expect units. I find it frustrating that they're dragging their feet on this, knowing people are hanging on their every word. It's cruel, but perhaps not unusual.