Flame suit on.

posted April 09, 2002 11:38 AM - In the meantime, I'm just continuing to enjoy my beta unit which has none of these problems...

posted May 09, 2002 12:57 PM - BTW, this past weekend, I listened to a Krell/B&W system and guess what... hiss at the tweeter but not from 2 inches away... just like my 950.

posted June 04, 2002 10:43 AM - The newest 1066 had almost identical hiss, none from >4 inches from speaker fabric, to the 950, as we demonstrated in the local Rotel dealer's showroom.

posted June 05, 2002 10:40 AM - BTW, my 950 is still going strong and operating perfectly. I feel very bad for those folks who are having hiss or other problems. I really wish I could figure out how to solve their problems so that they too could enjoy their 950 as much as I'm enjoying mine.

posted June 23, 2002 12:36 PM - Yesterday, I just had my 950 blow its' third fuse. The one that is blowing is the fuse just inside the unit next to the power cord hookup.

It appears that your problem resides in the 950 blowing fuses? I haven't found a post you've made stating that your 950 has developed a hiss problem (As it may well have or I cannot find that post of yours). I believe in the latest newsletter that OUTLAW sent out that the ear by the tweeter listening for hiss test doesn't hold water in their opinion (Unless your listening position is 4 inches from your speakers ).

[This message has been edited by werner52 (edited July 22, 2002).]