Hey, for the record, I've *never* even taken an ABX type test!! I do it the way you probably do. I listen to one component, then the other, non-blind. I just listen for a profession. As far as doing a 'blind' comparasion between the 1066 and the 950, here's a suggestion. Put up a curtain, behind which are both components. Have someone else connect one, then the other, and keep score on which is preferred by you. Listen as long as you like to each. All day if you want. Do this maybe ten cycles of switching (or not switching) and then have the assistant tally up the score. You very well may get a perfect score, if so, great. That would prove to you at least that there were significant differences. But if you get it wrong more than once, I would question if the differences are significant enough to spend a great deal of money on. Price is not always a guide to quality. There are less expensive components that sound better than more expensive ones - the difference is in the skill of the designer, not how thick the faceplate is.