Originally posted by merc:
Guys: alot of good points are being made in this thread on the need for DBT ABX testing in component selection... which certainly has nothing to do with the original topic, yet, I STILL have not seen a single post or link(some links were dead) which details how you can personally perform a true, well controlled, Double Blind, ABX trial for yourself, using only your own gear and the two components in question?

DB ABX testing performed solo requires a computer controlled audiophile-grade switchbox (or two). Sadly, these aren't cheap. :-(

But, I think the argument being made is that, since no one has ever been able to demonstrate perceptual differences among well-made cables in a DB ABX test (in contrast to other types of equipment, speakers especially), it's safe to extrapolate that you won't either. This argument hinges on the assumption that the listeners' failure was due to the similarity of the cables' performances, not a failure of the ancillary equipment to reveal the differences. It sounds like this is the assumption that you are having trouble swallowing. And that's fair. It's an assumption. (However, at least in some cases, such as at DAL, they use some seriously high-end equipment.)


And so, I reiterate, that without a reliable and valid DBT ABX, using ones own ears and perception is as good as any other method I can imagine for deciding which component sounds best to you in your system.

I agree that using one's own ears is as good as any other non-scientific test, but it belies the real question: using ones own ears and perception, can you do better at differentiating the sounds of well-made cables than a coin toss? If the answer to that question is no, as the available ABX studies suggest, then it doesn't matter if it's your best alternative, it's still random.

Unfortunately, perceptual psychology is overflowing with examples of how "top-down" cognitive processes influence one's "bottom-up" perception of stimuli. I wish I could offer more constructive advice, but buy/rent/borrow and computer controlled ABX setup is the best I can do. :-/

[This message has been edited by neuroaudio (edited July 02, 2002).]