I looked at the pictures posted on the Home Theater Forum and noted that the prototype has 4 optical digital inputs and only 2 coaxial digital inputs. Most of my digital equipment has coax digital outputs, and I've read that coax digital connections are supposed to be better than optical.

Perhaps it's cheaper for you to include optical inputs instead of coax inputs on the unit, but it'll end up costing me more if I have to buy a coax-to-optical converter or a digital switcher. Please consider including more coax inputs -- at least on the high-end preamp/processor (I assume the 950 is the lower cost model).

Also, the 950 doesn't have a built-in RF demodulator for AC-3 laserdiscs. Would you please consider including this feature on the high-end model?

I also saw a button in one of the pictures that says "stereo bypass". Does this mean you are providing a two-channel analog bypass in addition to the bypass available through the 5.1 input?

Finally, I read that DTS has now come up with a way to encode 5.1 channels of 96/24 audio on a DVD movie soundtrack. Will your preamp/processors be able to decode these soundtracks at their full resolution?