Many years ago before I became single again I purchased several different kinds of CD holders for evaluation. They're now sitting in a box in a corner of the basement collecting dust. Those Lee Valley holders are pretty clever. But one of the problem with using a holder like that with a large collection is sorting. I like to keep things alphabetical. Plain old shelves are easy to keep organized. Holders mean moving a bunch of jewel boxes around when you add a new artist to your collection.
But then again, when you're playing everything from a PC the cabinet is more a display case than anything else. And those slick looking CD holders make the case sharp looking on the inside as well as the outside. I'm curious to see how he's implementing them.

That's a really nice job on your cabinet. Nice, tight miters. And you used cherry ply for the panels instead of birch ply, something I often do when cherry ply is hard to find. (the pitch pockets are the tell)
Cherry can be really tricky. If you don't get all your boards from the same log they can age quite differently. I scarf joined some cherry that looked exactly the same in color after sitting out in the shop for a year or so. I used it for wide baseboard in my dining room. Well, one board aged very dark and the other stayed fairly light in color. Yucko. I have a piece of furniture in front of it. One of these days I'll stain the light section to match it up.
Like you, I love working with cherry. I'll get some pictures of some of my pieces up for you somewhere.
Outlaw 990; Carver TFM45 (mains); Carver TFM35 (surrounds); Carver TFM24 (bridged for center); Carver TFM15CB (rears); Acoustic Research AR9 mains; Polk CS400I center; Polk FX500I surrounds; Polk FX300I rears; Sony KDS-60A2000; Oppo DV-981HD; MX-850