Originally posted by Spiker:
Seems to me, if one decides to follow your advice, he or she must consider the reality of sub evaluation which is not a clean cut decision. It seems easy in theory but to actually pick one or two in the store or internet, I’m not sure if I can say one sub is twice as good or one and a half times as good or just 50 % better even though costs twice as much and … etc.
For the sake of helping other gunslingers who are thinking about using 2 subs, would you list some of subs that may only be half as good as lets say LFM-1 and why? That way, those subs and the lesser ones can be avoided.

Now, if one decides to follow soundhound’s advice on using 2 subs, the worries will be on something else which I think he has posted a lengthy info on that last year.

so you want a sub that is half as good as the lfm1 or HALF THE PRICE? or do you want half as good and half as expensive?
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