
As you know, we canines are more atuned to high frequencies, rather than low, so I may be out of my league in this thread.


The phrase "It's a dog's life" comes to mind -- and we have to live on a budget, as well. You imply that you paid more than $549 for your subs. HOW MUCH MORE? Quality is paramount, but must always be viewed (listened to?) in conjunction with the price/value equation. Your subs may be great, but how much more did you have to pay for them? (And, by the way, what are they?)

Some of can't afford to pay more and think that a product such as the LFM-1 is just what our needs require. Why do you put down people the way you seem to frequently do in your posts?

But what do I know, I'm only a dog...

ARF ARF, says Iggy
But what do I know, I'm ONLY a dog!

ARF, ARF says Iggy