Sorry if my wording caused any confusion. Let me see if I can explain this a little further. I'll confine my comments to the Mogami cable but the techniques may certainly apply to other cables as well. First to clarify, the "trimmed" end is the unterminated end. To do this the Mogami is very easy to work with because the insulation and filler materials are slippery and not bonded to the spiral shield. After the outer jacket is cut you can grasp the inner conductors and stroke the jacket back up the length of the cable a little bit. You might have to do this a couple times to get it to stay back, it is slippery. At this point, use a small cutters to "trim" the copper shield wire flush with the end of the jacket. After the shield wire is cut, stroke the jacket back down toward the cut end of the cable. The trimmed end of the shield wire will dissappear under the jacket and be covered 1/8" to 1/4" or so. This prevents the shield from contacting the metal shell of the RCA plugs when they are assembled. With the shield wire trimmed go ahead and pair off the inner conductors and connect as previously mentioned.
Hope this helps. Just ask if you have anymore questions.
