I would like to have a six-figure salary ... all six of those figures being to the LEFT of the decimal point.

A high salary is only truly high when it is in the context of the cost of living in which the salary is earned. In the S.F. Bay area, with the outrageous housing costs, I don't consider a salary to be high unless it is over the $150,000 mark. Even then, someone earning $150,000 is not going to be able to afford much of a house unless they are willing put up with an hour or more commute time each direction to/from work. In which case, a large portion of that salary will be used for medical expenses for stress related problems.

Of course, if your partner also has a nice salary, then you may be able to afford something livable near work.

The bad thing living in a high-cost area like the S.F. Bay is the housing costs (and the associated problem of crowding and traffic).

The nice thing is that, with the somewhat higher salaries, the "toys", such as the Outlaw LFM-1 and other Outlaw gear, are more obtainable.

So what if I live in a cardboard box under an overpass, I have a fabulous surround sound system, drive a BMW (nor really)while talking on my cellphone (that has a camera, a fax machine, and a hdtv projector built in), while sipping on my $tarbux double venti cappuccino-latte , all the while flipping-off the other inconsiderate motorists who are in MY way!


the 1derful1
the 1derful1