Drifting away from the original subject is not uncommon in the chat rooms. Its not like a televised debate where time is limited. I’m sure if someone wants to add relevant comments, they can.

Originally posted by soundhound:
[B]Maybe I could snag one of these new high paying jobs that seem so plentiful. Maybe they will need music editors to edit the Muzak that will be piped through GWB's moon base station that will keep the inhabitants from going bonkers. B]

“high paying job” is a subjective term. Lets say, for simplicity sake, if someone makes more than US median income (see website below), that could be considered a high paying job? But it varies from state to state.
Or were you considering a six figure income?

Well, soundhound, they have those here in and around Chicago (so does New York City but the cost of living there may turn a lot of people off). You should give it a thought. Someone with experience and knowledge like yours (based on my observation in the saloon), I don’t see why you would have a problem here.

"Maybe they will need music editors to edit the Muzak ..."

You may not want to count that out. You never know…