Geez! The nerve of some people - interrupting a great topic like that.

Oops, that was the topic. The nerve of some people, changing the original topic like that. (Guilty as charged)

When I spoke to Peter a couple of days ago I recall him saying that Outlaw would soon be posting a detailed account of the design / process in the near future. If so, I suspect that your questions will all be answered at that time.

Jeff Mackwood

ps. Can we try religion next?

ps. Soundhound. I'm with you 100% on this one. Unfortunately, for most issues, it's only when it gets really close to home and personal, that most people realize there's a real problem. And by then it's too late.

I was at a trade show last month in Vegas when a Chinese rep (just doing his job of course) approached my booth thinking that I was Pratt & Whitney Canada (probably because I had one of their engines sitting in my booth.) Without beating around the bush at all he simply said (and I paraphrase / interpret): "You send me the complete specs and blueprints for your engine and we will make it all for you. The whole thing. Much cheaper than what it's costing you now." When I asked him (pretending for an instant to be the Pratt's guy he thought I was) what I would then do with the thousands of Canadian employees that now build that product he replied "Fire them all. They're no longer needed. We do it cheaper. You don't need them." The unfortunate thing: I bet his pitch worked more often than not.
Jeff Mackwood