Templar, I have the greatest respect for you. I've said it before and I will say it again, if you don't speak my language or have a funny accent I would just prefer you to starve to death; homeless without a job. USA,USA,USA,USA,USA!!! After all only Americans are people (and thats just including the United States, not the other 20 countries that make up America).

Some people need to lighten up, its a global economy. If someone is so desperate for a job I would suggest they move to China or Mexico where they got it so good. If you want to point the blame at anybody, its us, the workers who are driving jobs away. Ever notice how the message boards thrive during business hours and not on the weekends? I guess its just easier to blame the boss instead of ourselves.

[This message has been edited by Jed M (edited January 15, 2004).]