7100= $$$$$$ 7,100 ? that's what just happened on Eprey! ... 'minor scratches' .. good condition. 25 bids; the winner must be nuts (over a goooooood deal:) ... second bidder bumped him to this 'reasonable' winning bid by bidding $7K. (the third bid was only 545- LOSER! shoulda taken the bin at 500) hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhaahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahaahahah (and so on...) ...grins. -tom ... just off 'in the shadows of motown'. pretty good.
help! i'm adding switches for 7.1 in at least 4 rooms. (ok i'm doing 1 in 1 room, and 2 choices in a second room:) smile ....