GoAVP -- I'm no expert, but here goes:

I noticed an immediate difference when compared to the amps in my Sony ES. (I know, that's a real shocker!)

For music, there is so much more "air" around instruments, and I was even noticing subtle phase-shifting tricks on Radiohead's "Optimistic" that I had never heard before. I listened to most the "Love Over Gold" CD from Dire Straits (my first CD, so long ago). Fantastic detail and clarity.

Although I'm only using a 5.1 setup (a 950 is in the future), I popped "Fight Club" in last night for the mid-air collision scene. One word: wow. Jumping ahead to the swirling vocal/music mix in the "love scene" felt like I was in a sonic tornado.

I can't believe I waited this frickin' long to buy a high-current amp. Until Outlaw, I figured this sound quality was out of my reach. The fact that the 7100 is made in the good ol' USA is pure gravy!

This amp rocks.