Hi Sweet Spot and all, I just got around to reading the thread on Maggies' power needs, or alleged needs. My Outlaw 990 (of course) drives a two-generation-old Adcom GFA535, spec'd at 100 wpc into 4 ohms, via a Yaqin tube buffer (very highly recommended), so my 1.6QR's are underpowered by from 3 to 6 dbw according to the folks in that thread. I'm not saying they're mistaken, but living in a condo as I do I rarely turn the 990 up past the -10db volume setting on CDs and the system sounds very, very good to me.
I think it would take something like the clang and thunderclap in the old London "Das Rheingold" to light the Adcom's distortion lights, and I'd better wait until my wife's out before trying it.