Well, I have the RR2150 now and previously auditioned a NAD C372(A 150 wpc integrated amp) for a month. They each are great .... or they're not ....... depending on who's listening. Sound is highly subjective.

I personally would never again own a NAD. I found it lacked resolution and was rather dull in the high end. The tone controls added nothing usefull. It seems NAD tunes their brand top be heavy in the upper lower end, at the expense of everything else. In a direct comparison between my CD player(w/headphone jack), and the C372, I found myself wondering where the resolution was on the C372.It was just dull dull dull, it sounded like the treble was turned to minus 8 or something, it was unfixable and most importantly, unenjoyable. The direct output of the CD player was perfect,no coloration or lack of resolution, just sweet music. I kept asking myself, what's wrong here? This is a top NAD amp and it's very disappointing. I thought of all the reviews I had read about it .... how NAD was supposed to be so "musical" or whatever the adjective may be. Great resolution? ....What were they thinking? I have no answer, other than we all hear differently.

The RR2150 compared to the NAD is more balanced and there's no bloated sound. The resolution is very good and the overall tone for me is neutral and well balanced. I'd call it easy on my ears. The bass appears(at this time) a little leaner on the 2150, but using the speaker EQ can change that(and it's user selectable), and it's not overly bloated.The power supply of the NAD was somewhat noisy also(suprising for a $900 unit), the RR2150 is very quiet.

On the other extreme, I found the Yamaha RX-777 to be such a screecher(harsh high end) that it was unlistenable. It sounded like Yamaha tunes theirs heavy on the treble. It was so off balance for me, it was unrecoverable and ulitmately unlistenable.

I can't say the RR2150 sounds vastly better than a Harman HK3480(sounds neutral and balanced to me), which I also own, but it is built with better components. The HK has a easily heard buzz from the power supply the moment it's plugged in.It's barely audible thru the speakers, but highly audible through the headphone jack, making headphones unusable with it. The RR2150 though, is absolutely silent ... no power supply noise. The headphone output is quiet and very good.

The bottom line is there's no perfect amp. It all about knowing what's most important for me/you, the listener, and finding the amp that comes the closest to that. I say closest because inevitably there will be some compromise, because no manufacturer can make an amp that fits the needs and wants of everyone. It's a two way street.

I'm a consumer like everyone else here. I have no stake in Outlaw or anyone else, it's all about the sound. As far as value, when it comes to sound, sure, sometimes cheaper products sound as good as more expensive ones, but there's no free lunch. .Compare the RR2150 to HK or NAD in the power supply.The Outlaw is dead quiet, the others are not. I'm no engineer, but I suspect filtering noise out of a power supply isn't cheap or easy, or else everyone would do it. Some people may never notice or hear the difference, but I do.

If NAD sounds better to you, I'm glad you found something you like..... as I said, everyone listens differently . How we listen also changes ..... hourly, daily, monthly ,over years or by night ....... we're not robots.

How does Outlaw's internet direct pricing compare with anyone else ? Do we get a better value? I have no idea, the prices are what they are, take it or leave it. I'm a consumer, so how a business comes up with their prices is up to them, and really none of my business. The magic formula ? Buy what you like up to what you can afford, period smile
