Well, I'd suggest that Outlaw's way of handling this is pure Pavlov. There's been a fair amount of grumbling for close to a month now, and in hindsight that Oct. 10 e-mail seems rather perfectly timed to delay some of the anxiety, which it did until this week. Now, we're all just salivating, with nothing in sight except…Thanksgiving turkey?

If John R pre-ordered back in June and hasn't heard anything, well, those of us who, like me, ordered at some point between late August and now are in for a bit of a wait—especially if we're to believe Outlaw's line about the overwhelming demand. (But should we believe it?) All I know is that I'd appreciate a straight answer a lot more than what seems like endless stalling. Outlaw is currently trading on the cool connotations of the company name, but we all know that beyond the world of marketing there is sometimes a not-so-cool side to "outlaws," too. (Not exactly straight shooters, if you know what I mean.) If I wasn't absolutely thrilled with the performance of the interconnects I acquired a little while ago, I'm not sure what I'd be feeling right now.
This ain't for the underground. This here is for the sun."
-Saul Williams