O.k - I know, most of you might think this is crazy, but....right now I am using 4 amps in my system (been building piece by piece for years)- a Parasound HCA1500 for front Def Tech 2000 speakers, an ATI 1500 for Citation 7.3 surrounds, a Marantz MA700 monoblock for center Def Tech 2000 speaker, and an old Fosgate 4100 amp for "rear surrounds"(old floor standing JBL 100). All run through a Yamaha CX-2 preamp and Fosgate Model 4 processor w/Parasound CSE 6.1 Center Surround Expander for "rear channels. It sound really awesome, but it "overtaking" my room (and my life)- need to downsize. Would I be smart(or crazy?)to replace with Outlaws 950/770 combo? BE honest!! Smart, or Crazy idea???