Gonk, I haven't requested help in a long time, but having just purchased the Pan BD55 I am having minor problem. I am using the Direct 6CH analog inputs on my VINTAGE 950. While I am geting the fuller richer sound from Blue-ray audio (5.1), I'm not getting the .1. The outlaw LFM1 is quiet as a mouse. All internal/external settings i.e. sub on, Bass management switch on 950 engaged (up position), switching back to Dolby before pressing 6CH direct button on my slowly dying 950 remote, (thank you Harmony One) etc. has been done in spades. Also note, when my Denon 2910 was connected to the 6CH input I never received subwoofer output from DVD Audio or SACD. I would give anything to know that I made a mistake somewhere and that my 950 sub output on the Direct 6CH is not bad. I am checking for a bad cable as soon as I complete this. However, we both know that something as simple as a bad cable just doesn't exist. HELP!