I use Alon 4 mains with Centris series Alon center and surrounds. My mains go down to 20hz, so I dont run a sub. Dont want to.

My problem is this.

One(1): The cross over in the set up only goes down to 40hz. I dont want my ouitlaw to keep the lows from the Mains. I have the sub, in teh set up turned off. Any way for me to get all my signal to the mains?

Two(2):I need to get a blu ray player. The oppo, Panasonic and Samsung all have the same problem as my Outlaw. They cant send the unfiltered full frequencey signal to the mains. What the heck? For just listening to music and watching DVD or Blue ray I can't have the bass go to the mains? What blueray player can I buy?
Outlaw 950 / Outlaw 755 / Alon 4 mains / Alon Centris series center and surrounds / tri wired / Panamax 5300