I have tried it both through digital, and 6ch analog. It is obviously more noticable through the analog connection becuase of the high quality of the SACD's that I am playing through that connection.

I called Onix and they said that one other thing to try (on top of toeing them in) was to flip the center channel over so that the tweeter was closer to the other tweeters (by only about 4 inches or so...but hey).

Tonight, I messed with the positioning abit, and flipped the center channel..and it's close enough for me now. I just need to recalibrate to make sure that everything is still where it should be. Oh, I also scooted the right speaker out from the wall a bit more. It was a good inch closer to the back wall than the other speaker. Something improved it... I'm sure toe-in would work a little better...but I don't want to shrink the sound stage at all. They sound to good right now.

Thanks guys...and Nert. :p