I feel I must finally post to this forum. I have been reading this forum since June of 2002 and found it invaluable in helping me make my selection of audio equipment and speakers. As a result I purchased the Outlaw 950/770 combo, Paradigm Studio speakers and a Denon 2900 DVD player to allow me to play DVD-A/SACD cd's. For the last 18 months I have had absolutely no problems with the Outlaw equipment. I am continually amazed at how beautiful the music is that comes out of this system. I now have the system hooked into a Philips 55" Cineos HDTV and now watch all my movies at home and can't get enough of the Dolby Digital 5.1/7.1 surround effects when playing DVD's.

So I am one of the many quiet ones who are Outlaw customer's that can't be happier. Anyone that opts out not to try out Outlaw audio equipment are missing out on one of the few really good deals to be had today.

I want to thank all of you Outlaws for the wonderful education you have given me and wish you all the best.