Raider, I hope this doesn't come out sounding too complicated because it really is quite simple. If you are using a 5.1 set up, then simply use your 950's zone 2 stereo outputs and connect them to the amp's 6th and 7th inputs, then run speaker wires from your amp's outputs to your remote speakers, you're done! However, if you are using a 7.1 set up it's a little more involved. You have to purchase an input source selector, (bought mine at Radio Shack for around $15), then connect the 950's back channel outputs to the #1 source selector's inputs. Now connect the 950's zone 2 outputs to the selector's #2 inputs, (you won't be using the #3 input for anything). The source selector has a pair of stereo outputs, connect these to the 6th and 7th channel inputs on your amp. By selecting either #1 or #2 on the source selector you will be sending that signal to the amp. From the amp's outputs, run speaker wire to a speaker selector, (bought mine from Radio Shack for around $30). Connect your back surround speaker wires to the "A" output of the speaker selector, your zone 2 speakers to the "B" output, and forget about the "C" output. You are now done. When you want to listen to 7.1 surround, select #1 and "A". If you want to use your zone two, select #2 and "B", (you can still use the 950's 5.1 in this set up in the main room while listening to a different source in the remote room). Does this make sense? I did not use expensive selectors in my set up because the back surround speakers and my outside speakers do not require the highest quality components. Hope this helps.