Thanks for the info, Sanjay. While I don't think this is a must-have upgrade, I think it makes a lot of business sense for Dolby to enhance their DPL2 to 7.1 support. The extra refinements also make it somewhat more attractive than just getting stereo rear surrounds, as well.

Obviously the rapid acceptance of 7.1 home systems caught Dolby Labs by surprise. I now remember seeing posts by Jim Fosgate in which he mentioned the ability to go to more channels; but, if I recall correctly, Dolby just wanted 5.1 at the time.

Soundhound, even though you tried to implant a post-hypnotic suggestion into my cat the last time you were here, she has not clawed my SVS subwoofer yet. However, I have to admit, I saw her with her feet up on it the other day. Needless to say, I hollered "NO!" loud enough so that folks in Torrance heard it.

[This message has been edited by boblinds (edited September 08, 2003).]