
I am stil breaking in the Silver Resolution ICs with the bullet RCA plugs. I had to use a hair dryer on the HOT setting to heat up the end to get the plugs on the components.

My Denon 3930CI (see my posting the 1070 Forum) sounds like crap when using the CD input on the 1070. After speaking with Steve, I change the inputs to the 7.1 DVDm placed the toggle switch all the way up, hid DVD on the remote then the 7.1 button.

Just a change as simple as that has made world of diffence so far.

More to come.

Outlaw 1070, Anthem MCA5 II amp.
Sony Ps3
Alon 2 Mk2 Loudspeakers
HSU VTF-2 Mk2 sub x2
VAC PA100/100 Tube Amp
ARC SP16-L tube Preamp
Audio Note Dac 2.1 "B" signature
Furutech E-TP80,
Ascend HTM-200, 340C
Sony KDS-55A2020