Ignoring the debate about the quality of InterConnects (becasue the topic has been beaten to death in older posts), I still have questions which I hope will result in easy answers and not touch off any nerves.

Is it worth having matched model/type ICs for connecting components?

5 Outlaw PCAs from pre/pro to amp and 1 longer Outlaw PCA from pre/pro to Sub?
6 Monster 400MKIIs from DVD/SACD to pre/pro?
4 RadioShack gold from tape player to pre/pro?

I do not actually have any of these cables I just wanted to use them as an example. Does it make sense to match cable type/model when running along the same path so the same signal goes from A to B?

It seems that this would make sense rather than just mix up cable brands considering they were probably manufactured differently. Any evidence that this makes sense?


[This message has been edited by NYC-EMT (edited February 27, 2004).]