First off, I thought the overall concept of the ad was fine. Outlaw already has a wild west/gunslinger motif going on, so I don't think there's anything wrong with using a Robin Hood theme for a change.

I also liked the layout. The hat was fine, and the forest trail graphic was a good idea as capturing the Robin Hood spirit. However, I agree with those who thought the main Celtic (or whatever) font was a little hard to read. I think the letters need to be spaced a little more apart, and/or go with a different font.

The remainder (including the message text) seemed ok, but I also agree with those who suggested: i) a pic of the back panel; and ii) listing the number/type of inputs/outputs and the supported video/audio formats.

I terms of overall impact, I think I'd be as favorably disposed to this ad as much as any other I've ever run across in a trade magazine.

(Here's a free idea for your next ad: a picture of the inside of a tent, i.e., Robin Hood's tent, with a scantily clad Maid Marian in some sort of provocative pose, and a model 1070 sitting on a table along with some pilfered gold. Caption along the lines of "Even Outlaws need some R&R once in a while.") cool