Originally posted by Retep:

Saving Private Ryan is a tough movie to watch. I saw it in the theatre for the first time and it hit me hard. The scene where the German and the Jewish kid are struggling and he slowly sticks the knife in his heart is really powerful.

I definitely agree that the opening scene is powerful.
I debated whether to put it on my list, since that is one of two movies I own that I can't really watch. The other one is The Passion of the Christ.

Interesting story, I saw Saving Private Ryan in a theater in Pearl Harbor, HI, a few years before I retired from active duty. The movie theater was thoughtful enough to leave the lights off during the end credits because no one in the audience was in condition to go outside. IMHO the ending was the most powerful part, particularly to anyone with a deep sense of patriotism.

Ironically, this movie which was a technical masterpiece of sound and visuals when it released in 1998, provided the most powerful experience I have ever felt in a movie theater with the close up of an old man's face and the question "have I done enough to deserve this?"

Think what you will. After all, that is your freedom. Those of us in that theatre knew that Private Ryan was everyone of us and that "this" thing, this precious gift that we were given was Freedom. Sorry for getting sentimental. Now you know why I can't watch.