Strength does not grow proportionally with mass even on earth. And speed or jump capability can be out of proportion to brute strength. An Olympic runner can achieve about 27mph. A rabbit 45mph. Cheetah 70mph. An impala can jump 10 ft up from a standing start. (an elephant very strong, is not going to clear tall hurdles, - of course on earth mass factors into all) I thought it was a nice touch that Night
had a chromatophores equipped alien. While chameleon behavior is characteristic of many predators to increase their effectiveness by reducing detection that precipitates flight of faster prey. There are predators who rely on stealth and surprise due to a lack of brute strength. And again Species with an utter lack of defensive capabilities use these methods for protection.

I watched a heated argument started by this very film. It was really an interesting topic and revolved around the perception of moviegoers that all aliens have to be endowed with superior ability and intelligence. Many pointed out that man (faintly) has penetrated space, with out the slightest assurance than he will be prepared or experienced to handle all contingencies that might arise. And mankind ever achieved distance and discovered some form of what appeared to be a populated planet it would not take him long before ‘equipped’ or not he just had to land firma terra to check it out.
Some pertinent human military historical moments were detailed where strategy was employed but the slightest overlook of a tiny ridiculously blatant (with hindsight) oversight resulted in defeat for a superior numbered and equipped force. And the converse, - forces which infiltrate laughably unprepared in situational awareness.
Have you ever found a mechanically based device in a junkyard? That looks highly specialized and displays a high degree of tooling and precision. While pondering its functionality you can conceive of no task for which it might have been designed? There is someone who could pick that item up and use it appropriately, however it is currently out of your sphere of experience or capability to put it to any use.

Honestly I’m just shooting the breeze because I really class the movie ‘Signs’ as nothing earthshattering but just sheer entertainment (park disbelief at the door). Yet since I liked it, I can lightly consider matters detailed above towards my enjoyment of the film without caring whether it truly explains the science and rational behind why things work as they do in Nights worlds.

I have noticed that NS seems to have an aversion to the use of weapons of force in all 3 films discussed. In fact the lack of weapons (other than the use of the body and soul) that his protagonists are armed with even though he briefly references other characters use of force - is what is beginning to stand out as a trademark of Nights movies to me. I am beginning to expect less gore/violence/ use of mechanical weaponry when his leads respond to a threat but more a use of something that is intrinsic that internally they come endowed with.

When the argument over the lack of these aliens’ weapons brought to ground or used from the air and the lack of guns at the farm were discussed in another forum. I was surprised by many that posted growing up in rural areas where the patriarch of the family had not a single firearm on the property.

Me however, I’m not the stand in the corner and scream type, I would have been digging out every shovel/pitchfork/butcher knife - AND wiring my 770 straight to door handles.