Originally posted by gonk:
Are you talking about the Sherwood R-972 receiver, or have they actually indicated they'll have a processor version of it? The R-972 is going to be $1800 if I remember correctly.
No I'm talking about a replacement for the P-965. Jeff over at Sherwood wasn't too sure if they could make May which was why they weren't announcing it officially at CES.

Seems the Cirrus Logic chipsets for HDMI 1.3 are extremely backlogged and slow to get to Manufacturers.

This chip problem is the reason for just about every manufacturer not having HDMI 1.3 units out. The manufacturers who can purchase in mass bulk are the only ones who have received them (the big boys so to speak) the others are waiting rather impatiently.

Sherwood sells more Receivers than Processors so the R-872 and R-972 got more attention from them considering the chip delays.

This means to me May could be the earliest we may even hear of a 990 or 970 replacement.

Could be the 1070 might be replaced first.