I am still cranking on my 950 so I can wait until late 2007, but mid-2008 may be pushing it. I don't want to buy outboard switcher boxes for video only, so OLs, get in gear and deliver. You/I need a new pre/processor for at least 3 source switching (4 sources would be best) of HDMIv1.1 (yes v1.3 would be better), newer audio decoding capability for the optical and coax streams up to 8 channels in to out with analog line drive, no balanced lines but quality RCA phono connectors, an updated universal remote, and a more user friendly user interface on a graphic display LCD panel (color OK but not required). No touch-screen, but something better than straight LCD character lines. Black case and no wierd color schemes please. Oh yes, and less than $800 please.