a thought, but id prefer to keep my video out of my audio equipment unless theres no other choice. as cheap as everyone seems to be, no one is going to drop more cash to have that feature. it would suit me fine to not have any video built into the next processor at all (except osd for setup only), and yes i realize this flies in the face of thx certification (or at least i think thx has to have video switching...). on the topic of displaying, id like to see no display on the processor at all except for the power light (which could be turned off). if they could integrate anything that needs to be displayed (including osd) into a remote, that would be wonderful. a lot of people cant see their unit anyway, and if you can you dont want to during a movie. im sure performance would increase a little by removing all the stuff that goes into having a display, plus you dont have to worry about anything going wrong with it, just the remote that you would die without :-).
This post has been brought to you by curegeorg, thanks for reading.