Thanks, AndersP. That was my thoughts exactly. Just include a throwaway remote to provide the codes to a universal learning remote.

I've had a chance to shop around a little more on this, and discovered there are a lot of people looking for a similar product. There are a few push button switches, but I hate the idea of getting up from the couch to switch video feeds. The only remote-controlled switch I could find comes in a cheap plastic enclosure - sort of like a modified USB hub for computers. Certainly not something I want visible in my A/V cabinet.

Also, having given some thought to future products I may buy, I would modify my wish list somewhat to say 6-8 input connections and maybe a small VFD screen rather than LED lights. Of course, this would increase the price somewhat, but the extra capacity for the future would be worth it. If that is cost prohibitive, at least make the switch stackable.