m-mmyer and steves,

It seems like you both are saying to read these posts of mine. I assume to find out interesting or helpful info that I might mention. That's why I write them.

The info I post I feel is being distorted and ruined by charlie's misguided 'facts' moronic asumptions and outright lies.

It's certainly true in that what I said/say is strong. I stand behind it though, and back up everything I've ever said with detailed facts to counter him. I've just had enough. I'm sick of him. I think he's become a Troll, and this thread proves it. Ask him what he's had to do w/ digital amps besides post in this thread? Nothing at all.

I'd like Outlaw to build a digital amp based on the ICEpower module. Charlie's lies about the ICEpower based amp I own I believe are doing nothing but confusing other Outlaw fans who would otherwise love for Outlaw to build an amp that performs like my eARTwo amp.

That's a forum Troll, and I'm not afraid to call it like I see it. No doubt Charlie will post again and twist my comments, and no doubt people will feel I've gone too far.

I can't control that, and I accept whatever happens.

If Outlaw doesn't want me here because of my comments... I guess we'll see. I would never have saifd what I did if Outlaw would have stopped charlie from lying, but Outlaw's certainly too busy to do that.

I think it would be to the loss of you guys like steves and m-mmyer who want to learn new things to have me booted off yet allow someone like charlie to keep posting his outright wrong 'facts'.
Remember I'm not talking about his opinions, only the things he states as facts.

Charlie's been posting since last August in this thread as still has NO idea what he's talking about in relation to this amp, or the module it uses, or digital amps in general.

His last post (as I already said) was almost one complete pack of lies, which is the only reason I quit being civil and got angry at a flat out liar.

I'm sick of it. I think others should be too, but feel free to think whatever you want.

Maybe you don't understand that he is lying and you feel it's more of a 'my opinion/his opinion' type thing therefor I've gone too far?

This is not the case and I've clearly stated why in previous posts.

Search this and other threads. Several others have also corrected charlies outright mistruths. They eventually give up trying to get through to him and leave.
Too bad this forums lost those people. Maybe I'm next. Not my choice though.

I like Outlaw as a company and I think there's people here who a decent and would like to hear some of the info I post about advanced audio and video topics.

I think you shouldn't care how nice and civil Charlie acts when he posts lies.

Did anyone who thinks I'm too strong in my statements actually look into the false information he spouts? Or do you not care when someone lies here as long as they smile when they do it?