Originally posted by dsmith901:
Apparently Charlie is an engineer, and from my experience engineers are a little different from the rest of us (no offense, Charlie). They literally want to measure everything and leave out anything that is not measurable. That is just the way they are, and the way they have been trained.

Hey pal, back off on the engineer thing, I'm one too! I want to measure as much as I can becasue I want things to be right. Like Charlie, I don't completely trust my ears to get right. My tastes change from day to day too. There's just something about having a number to verify everything that alleviates this feeling though.

I looked at the pictures gonk provided and nice setup Charlie! I don't see myself doing something quite like that, but it sure is cool to see. I don't see a hometheater system of mine getting that powerful or blended in so much, but I do see it with my car. Drop a couple 12 or 15" subs into a well made vented box with 1000+ Watts and there you go.