To me individual parts have individual jobs. The goal of the _system_ from instrument to ear is to do as you say.

The job of the amp is NOT to recreate an experience, but merely to take a small signal and make it a bigger signal. To the extent it can do that with fidelity and adequate gain it is 'good' IMO.

As far as texbook design being obsolete, I have no idea what you're talking about, but no decent engineer will be giving up his test bench anytime soon. Test instruments can detect distortions and noise the human ear could NEVER hear.

OTOH listening tests are important and blind listening tests are widely used in the design of some of the very finest equipment available out there. But not sighted 'audiophile' style listening tests as those are of very little value in quantifying performance.

Most high end audio magazines are a waste of paper.


[This message has been edited by charlie (edited August 08, 2002).]