I agree, I quizzed about this when I first came into Outlaw, one of the first separates I ran into when I started looking around was the TACT amp.

I truly believe this is the next generation across the board amp technology, to the extent in the next x? yrs you will see it filter even into HTIB.

I know you guys that with the upgrade bug are always looking for a new WAF factor spin. It should help a lot, when your talking her into that latest purchase.
“Look honey - its Smaller”…….., (Don’t know if she’ll care as much about the lighter, cooler) …but I do!

I am soon to be an official Outlaw, and I hope they research this trend extensively. From what I read, maybe it’s the new engineering factor that’s keeping the prices up now, which hopefully will filter down quickly, because it appears they should be very cost efficient to manufacture.