In case you missed the story

This is news about TI's deal with a large Taiwan semicon. manuf. to build DMDs. (AMKOR Tech.- Taiwan) Can reasonable prices and supply be far behind for DLP projection - front and rear. As I have contended for more than a year there is no reason we will not have 1280x720p projection for <$3000, and full HD projection at 1920x1080i (or 1080p) by the end of the year for less than $4000. In a nice < 10 LB package about 8"x11"x3" - wouldn't it be nice. Several new products were shown last week at Winter CES in LV. I'm sure the Outlaws are on to this. Just "DO IT!"

[This message has been edited by JDB001 (edited January 13, 2003).]