Originally posted by JDB001:
.... Front projection technology should be pushed and pushed hard - it is the future. ....

I really have to disagree on this one. I expect to see FP become more and more marginalized until at some point it will probably even disappear from theaters, if we still have theaters by then. There may be a short surge in interest if we see the price drop in the near future, but in the long haul (50-100 years) I expect it to go the way of the vacuum tube.

Most folks don't want to mess with it. My 'ideal 2D display' would be a paper thin and flexable direct view system.

If i was putting together my 'Ultimate CharlieWare Home Theater' (tm) I'd certainly use FP, but I'm not an average TV consumer either. Most folks have a life and don't want to bother with all that fuss.