$10K? Don't do a projector then. Who's the target market? The mass market is for RPTVs, and for those folks looking for a bigger picture/smaller box, portable business projectors are more than acceptable. They range from $3-5K. The volume provided by the business market keeps the cost down and the quality constantly improving. There's really no way Outlaw is going to compete here with InFocus or NEC, and they admit as much. That's fine.

Home theater enthusiasts willing to pay more for 16x9 LCD or DLP will go for Sony's new LCD projector, coming out later this year (basically, the 10HT with dramatically improved contrast and a much improved scaler). That'll retail for $7K at most (and possibly less on the street). Yamaha's new $10K (retail) DLP projector is in this space, too, and the street price will probably drop pretty quickly there too. So even if the Outlaw 16x9 DLP is slightly better somehow, at $10K street, it's not an Outlaw-style bargain by any stretch of the imagination.

So who's left? Home theater nuts willing to pay anything for the best image? They're still going to go for a 9" CRT. A $10K DLP has setup, size, and cost advantages, but if that matters, buy the Yamaha or Sony.

Regular home theater / consumer electronics column posted at http://www.greengart.com .