It is definitely the OPPO player. Either the Harmony or the OPPO remote has the same response which is zero 9 out of 10 times tried. The player is about 15 inches off the floor so angle isn't a factor. I use a Niles IR repeater because everything sits inside a Salamander cabinet with steel mesh doors. With doors open, and repeater out of the system, neither remote works unless held within 6 inches and the remote actually has to point upwards towards the ceiling. Used camera on phone to verify emmiters working. OPPO is going to replace the unit so their service seems to be great about it. Will follow up when new unit arrives.
Outlaw 990-7500, OPPO BDP-83, Main L&R: B&W DM604s3, Rears: B&W DM602s3, Ctr: B&W LCR600s3, Velodyne SPL1200R, Outlaw, Signal, Blue Jeans Cables, Sony 52W4100 LCD, Harmony One